
ArcWorlde: Second Edition - The Imperials

Created by Warploque Miniatures

A new Faction and miniatures for ArcWorlde: Second Edition - the Narrative Fantasy Battle Game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stand and Deliver! Headless Horseman Unlocked for the Undead
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 01:28:24 AM

Ho there, Arcfans!

Happy Sunday, and I hope you are having an excellent weekend. How has it been almost a week since the launch already? Madness!

So today sees the launch of another Stretch Goal from the previous Factions, and this time it's the turn of the heinous Undead Raiders.

A brand new model to plague the roads of the Mildaark Forest! I'm really excited to sculpt this guy, and I hope you folks will love the model when it's finished.

Who's thinking of grabbing this spooky fellow?


- Alex

The Dice are Unlocked, here comes the Arclancer
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 06:59:44 AM

Ho there, Arcfans!

Wow, this has been a great day for breaking stretch goals. You lot are insatiable!

You can now add the Imperial Dice onto your pledges.

So... what's next?


If we hit £8500, the craziest members of the Imperial Warband are unlocked, the Arclancers!

What do you think, chaps?


- Alex

Imperial Ogre now available!
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 04:57:13 AM

Ho there, Arcfans!

Wow, what an evening. As I sit here this morning with my cup of tea, I can't believe we are at almost £5k in less than 24 hours. Insane!

You folks have smashed the most recent stretch goal, and the Imperial Ogre has been unlocked...

I'll be working on his stats today, so will upload those by tonight!

So... what's next?

When we hit £6k, the Imperial Dragoon will be unlocked! There may be more options available for alternate poses and unmounted versions, but that entirely depends on how the rest of the project goes...

If you are new, don't forget to join the ArcWorlde community on the ArcWorlde Facebook page!

Cheers, folks!

- Alex